“Like a burning field, it feels like it couldn’t get any worse. But as the flames die and the ashes blow away, a new birth arises from underneath. And there is life again.”
This came to me on a run as I passed a burnt field that had been there for a couple weeks now. But this time it had new green spades of leaves poking through the blackened waste land. I am not sure why it hit me the way it did. I am not going through anything at the moment that hits on the nerve of this verse that came out.
But I have.
I’ve been there in life when it feels like you could die, maybe even want to die. The pain is so intense, there is no light that you can see. I have the luxury to look back and see it now, the growth I have experienced from the hardships, the new spades of green leaves. The next time it comes around this epiphany will likely not make it any easier in the moment. But if I can slow down enough to think it all through I may remember that this too will pass and I will emerge better if I let it.
It doesn’t mean if I have hurt someone it goes away or if you have lost someone they can come back. But it means I have a chance to build something better from the experience. I hope it helps me not get lost in the flames. But to push me forward and out of the fire.