That word stood out to me today. Over the last few days, the word control remained at the forefront as well.
Control as in the context of “What do I control?” and “What is beyond my control? ”. My attitude is one of the few things I can control.
While there are a few other things in my control, this one can have the largest effect on my day. It is easy for me to be blinded by a poor attitude. One of my many human faults. Keeping my attitude in check will help dictate my mood for the day. Having a poor attitude is a road that leads to a miserable life. It can consume me as I am sure it does for others. I would hate to add up the amount of energy and time I’ve wasted on a bad attitude toward something that is beyond my control.
Those Other Things I Control
Taking a step back and considering what is in my control helps me to know what to let go of. For starters as I already discussed, my attitude, followed by my actions. What actions am I going to take the next time someone calls me an asshole from the street when I make a mistake driving? The other things in my control, are my words, and lastly, my thoughts (it doesn’t always feel that way). These last two have a great deal of effect on how my attitude begins to develop. Responding to that first person with a shout of another fun-filled name may feel good at that moment. But it could set the tone for the rest of the day. Not to mention the example I am now setting for our daughter.
Therefore, if it is anything outside of these few items, let it go! Release it. Did your neighbor build a fence you don’t like? Is there a car parked in front of your walkway? Did someone call you an asshole again?
So what? Most events are insignificant in the grand scheme of our life, all of these examples are included in that insignificance. Why let a person you have never met and will never see again ruin your afternoon? Don’t give up your control to some random stranger or even random events.